First, I want to say thank for taking time out of your day to read this newsletter. If you subscribed so you don’t miss an issue, I’m happy for you because you are on your way to building your book promotion infrastructure.
Let’s talk about book covers and blurbs. They are important to your book promotion infrastructure because they are the two tools you will probably use the most when you promote your book.
You want them to be the best they can be because they need to grab the reader’s attention and make them stop to check it out and hopefully flip to read the back blurb.
A good book cover:
· Grabs the reader’s attention.
· Includes the title.
· Author’s name.
· Represents what the book is about.
· Look professionally done.
· Represent what your target audience is looking for.
· Fits your brand or the brand of the series.
Here are a few things to look at when considering your cover:
· How does it look as a thumbprint?
· How does it look on a website?
· How does it look on print material?
· How does it look on the phone?
· Do you have a 300dpi image of the whole book cover?
· Do you have a 300dpi image of the cover of the book?
The book cover needs to look good in all these forms or you will have issues later when it comes to websites, printing the cover on materials or in magazines. You want a clean clear image for print or websites.
Let’s move on to the blurb for your book. When I work with my clients, I recommend they have at least three blurbs for their book.
· Back copy blurb – this is what’s on the back cover of your book.
· Blurb for print – this can be a longer or abbreviated version of the back book cover. Most places will give you a guideline on how long they want for a blurb.
· Social media blurb – this is a shorter version of the back copy. Depending on the platform I recommend 25-50 words for social media captions. Sometimes you use these blurbs for paid promotion.
What makes a good blurb:
· Start with a good hook to grab the reader.
· Summarize the story to intrigues the reader.
· Quick Call to Action to make the reader want to buy the book.
My last tip is for you if you’re book is published, make sure you have links for your books. I always recommend you have a link that goes to your website store to purchase the book. Also have links for all the online bookstores. Create custom links so you get analytics to see if anyone is clicking on your links.
Action Steps:
Is your book cover ready?
Do you have your three types of blurbs?
Do you have your book links?
If you know someone who needs book promotion tips, share this newsletter with them.
Remember book promotion starts with YOU. Make sure to subscribe to get next issue.
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See Ya On The Net,
P.S. Do you need more help with your book promotion? Download my book Building Online Relationships – https://amzn.to/3UAJWHV