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Readers – Who are your readers and where do they hang out for buying books?

Whenever I have a virtual tea session with an author, my first question is, who is your book for? Most of them reply for everyone. We would love for our book to be for everyone, but most times it’s not. Your book is written for a specific reader.

When you figure out who your specific reader is it will make your book promotion so much easier.

The question for today – who is your book for?

I like to start with getting to know the book.

What is the book about?

What is the genre of the book?

What are the themes/troupes in the book?

What format will be the book be published in?

Let’s use my book – Love In Space to answer these questions.

What is the book about?

Love In Space is an episodic science fiction romance novel set in the year 3500 about four singles finding love on a spaceship.

What is the genre of the book?

Science Fiction romance

What are the themes/tropes in the book?

Love and friendship, second chance love, secret babies, alien romance, friends to lover, workplace romance, fertility issues, and age gap romance.

What format will be the book be published in?

Book is available on the Kindle Vella platform which is an episodic book platform.

It will also be available in eBook and print soon.

Who are the potential readers:

Romance Readers – who like episodic books, eBooks, and print.

Science Fiction Romance Readers – who like episodic books, eBooks, and print.

Science Fiction Readers – who like episodic books, eBooks, and print.

Romance Fantasy Readers – who like episodic books, eBooks, and print.

Where do I find these types of readers?

Online: social media, blogs, podcasts, online magazines, online radio shows and websites for readers.

Off-line: Bookstores, libraries, book clubs, organizations, schools, literary events, and conferences.

What will I do to get in front of these readers?

I can create social media content, create blog posts and articles. Create video content and create audio content. I can also be a guest on blogs, reader’s groups, podcasts, radio shows and magazines.

I can attend events as a guest, or as a presenter to introduce my book to the readers. I can host book signing or be part of a book club meetings.

I can also purchase social media and print advertisement to get in front of new readers.

Now you can go even deeper with your reader by creating an avatar that tells you the age, gender, where they live, how much they buy etc., but that’s another newsletter. Right now, I just want to give you the basics to get started.

Come back next week and share about how to use a promotion plan to start reaching new readers daily.

Action steps:

What is the book about?

What is the genre of the book?

What are the themes/troupes in the book?

What format will be the book be published in?

Who are the potential readers?

Where can you find readers online and offline?

What can you do to get in front of readers?

Who is your reader and how are you getting in front of them?

Remember book promotion starts with YOU. Make sure to subscribe to get next issue.

Get this newsletter in your email – https://www.subscribepage.com/byrnsl

See Ya On The Net,


P.S. Do you need more help with your book promotion? Download my book Building Online Relationships – https://amzn.to/3UAJWHV


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