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#1. Have you been thinking about trying SORMAG Promotion?Black Friday Deal – Buy One Ad Get One FreeGet your promotion ready for 2021.https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/BOGOBF #2. Is your promotion ready for 2021?Check out SORMAG Promotion’s book promotion bundles. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/KN7164 #3. Are you ready to ROCK Social Media Check out my social media workbooks. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/rVB162
In 2011, I did my first NANO. I didn’t make the 50,000 goal, but I did write 35,000 words, which I was very proud of and I learned a lot about me and my writing habit. My friend Patricia Woodside also blogged about how to be successful in NANO. She has some great tips, check them out HERE I thought I’d offer a few tips too. Have a realistic goal Don’t set yourself up for
This month I’m visiting podcasts. I will be sharing the ones, I subscribed to.  I listen to the podcasts on Apple, but you can find them on other podcast platforms you listen to. TF? Is a diverse social and cultural examination of pop culture, current news events, and race relationships in America.  Unfiltered commentary provided by fiction writers, Portia A Cosby and Nakia R. Laushaul I listened to TF is a WAP? It was a
CLICK TO LISTEN https://www.spreaker.com/user/swcafe/writers-cafe-episode-14 At the cafe today Marie Chewe-Elliott, Nameica E. Craig, Marcia King Gamble Episode Sponsor: SORMAG Promotions –http://bit.ly/SORMAGADS20 Podcast Host: LaShaunda C. Hoffman Marie Chewe-Elliott Kingdom Vision Audacious Women Lessons https://amzn.to/3mKDTgE Nameica E. Craig Girl, Affirm YourSelf!: 90 Days to Owning Your Fabulous https://amzn.to/32UbEEw Marcia King Gamble http://www.lovemarcia.com/ By Heart https://amzn.to/32TODRR Would you like to be featured on SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe or be a sponsor? Send an email to 1sormag@gmail.com Let us know what
Registration is open for the book festival and we have panel slots available for authors and panel discussions. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SOBF20
The hardest part about book promotion is getting started.  Most authors don’t know where to begin. This promotion kit is all about getting started on your path to becoming a Social Butterfly. This kit includes 11 lessons to help you get ready for promotion and shows you where to start. Getting Started – Video Series Promotion Mindset Workbook Mailing List Video Who Are Your Readers Video/Lesson Promotion Goals Video/Lesson Calendar Video/Lesson Email Video/Lesson Homebase Video/Lesson
This episode I share my writing experience during the quarantine. CLICK TO LISTEN Have you been able to write during the quarantine?
The third part of the social media plan is Social Media Calendar/Scheduling. The final stage of your social media plan is taking the content you’ve created and creating a calendar for your promotion. Look at your content.  Which platforms did you decide to share them on?  Which days will you be sharing your content? What time will you schedule your content?  The answer to these questions is the beginning of your calendar. Schedule your calendar
Part two of the social media plan consists of content. Content for your plan is very important. You need to ask yourself a few questions about your content creation. What will you share on your social media platforms? Will you create all your content or share other people’s content? How will you promote the content – will you use status posts, graphics, links? Who is your audience – you need to know who you are
This week we will be talking about your social media plan. The social media plan consists of three parts. Today we will talk about the first part, goals. Goals are always important when it comes to your promotion. You need goals for your social media too. Why are you on social media? What do you want from social media? How do you know if social media is working for you? Your goals will answer these