Today is all about social media tips. For me social media works when I schedule my posts. Scheduling keeps me consistent and I don’t have to worry about if I’m promoting or not. Any other time I’m on social media it’s because I want to be on social media, not because I have to. Another thing that works for me is having a plan for each platform. Each one is different. I use to post
Author Archives : LaShaunda
One of my biggest issues with dealing with fear is admitting that I dealt with fear. I called it procrastination, lateness, I’ll do it tomorrow, or I’m gonna do it. It was easy to call it a different name than what it was – FEAR. I’m a Christian, we’re not supposed to fear anything but God. Unfortunately that’s not true. There are a lot of Christians dealing with fear; some are probably calling it everything
Yesterday was National Book Lovers Day. If you know me, you know I love me some books. On my FB profile I asked my FB family to share what book series they hated to see end. I’m going to share a few books here. The Little House On The Prairie Series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This was my first book series. Anne Of Green Gables series by LM Montgomery The Hideaway series by Rochelle Alers
Today I celebrate one year as a published author and as a book publisher. I want to share a few lessons I learned on the way. Everybody Is Not Your Reader – I teach this to my promotion clients, and I’m so glad I constantly reminded myself of this lesson daily. You want everybody to buy your book but everybody is not going to buy your book. Especially those you supported in the past. Just
If you know me, you know I love a good group. I even host a few groups myself. I’ve made some amazing connections from the groups I’m in and I’ve met many clients from these groups. For the next few Thursdays, I will be sharing some of my favorite groups with you. My advice is to check them out. See if they are a good fit for you, and then participate. Groups are about participating,
I had a fantastic weekend at the Produce*Publish*Promote Summit. We had twelve amazing presenters share their book publishing knowledge with us and 103 attendees eager to learn. I’ve decided to open the summit up to those who missed it. So if you wanted to attend but had other plans, here’s your chance to see what you missed out on. Sign up HERE. The link to the summit will be at the end of the welcome
The I’m gonna bug has hit me this week. I’m gonna write, but it hasn’t happen. I’ve been working on the Produce*Publish*Promotion summit so that has my brain clogged. I found my research I did for the story, so I’m hoping that will help with creating new scenes. Next week is vacation time. I’m doing a staycation but I’m also going to turn it to a mini writer retreat because my mind has been on
PRODUCE*PUBLISH*PROMOTE SUMMIT This FREE summit is perfect for: The person who has a book idea floating in their head but don’t know where to start. The writer who is looking for help with their writing goals? The writer who is about to publish their first book. The writer who can’t decide to self publish or continue submitting. The writer who published the book but can’t stay consistent with their promotion. The seasoned writer who wants
I received the dreaded revision letter. I put off reading it for a few days. My editor sent me an email asking was I Ok. I laughed because I hadn’t read it so I didn’t know if I was OK or not. I printed the letter out and read what she had to say. Yes the manuscript needed a lot of work. I must confess this was draft 2 of the book, so it was
I told you all my exciting news of being picked up by Brown Girls Publishing. Now I have to share my sad/exciting news. There were a few changes with Brown Girls Publishing and I’ve decided to publish my own book. Yes I’m a little sad to not work with a publisher, but very excited to try my hand at publishing fiction. My book is currently with an editor and she informed me she would be