I had my first paid speaking engagement for the year and I rocked it. I was confident, I knew my stuff and I didn’t even use my 15 pages of notes that I wrote. I know it was because of live streaming. When I published my book, Building Online Relationships -One Reader At A Time, one of my promotion goals was getting myself in front of new people daily. Live streaming was a way to
Category Archives : Promotion
Check out this video I did on How To Get Readers To Buy Your Readers Did you find this broadcast helpful, share it to your community? Are you ready to become a Social Butterfly? I offer three ways to work with me – 1. Join my free promotion training group – See Ya On the Net – http://bit.ly/SYOTNPTGlist 2. Join my membership – Social Butterfly Promotion Membership – http://bit.ly/SBMCALL Or 3. Private Consulting – Virtual
I always preach to know your audience, because when release a book we automatically assume, our friends and family will purchase a copy. Then our feelings are hurt when they don’t. I will use me as an example. I promote authors. I’ve met a whole bunch of them, so you would naturally assume when I published a book about promotion that I would sell one copy to every author I ever met. I would have
After I promoted my book for five months, I was in promotion overwhelm. I was tired, I didn’t want to post another post about my book. I didn’t want to do another interview. I was so done. I think I slacked off in December. My sales suffered because I wasn’t doing a lot of promotion. I didn’t even schedule promotion. I had to take a moment to breath. I had virtual tea with myself and
I’m hosting my annual ROCK YOUR PROMOTION PLAN Masterclass next month. You are invited to attend. CLICK HERE to register. This is a FREE training.
Most people sleep on this tool – Email signature. I call it your mini billboard in your email. This is the best form of free promotion you can have. You can be creative with it and you can change it up daily, weekly or monthly. If you use your email signature for promotion. Put a 1 in the comments. Now that you are a published writer you never want to send out an email that
Today I will share with you 10 ways to use your mailing list for promotion. It can introduce you to new readers Do you have an opt in offer to join your mailing list. Take time to create at least one opt in offer to attract new readers. It can keep current readers informed Readers like to know what’s going on with you. Free promotion – Tell them what’s hot with you. You can create
I don’t need one until I publish my book or start my business Start building your list as soon as you start writing your book or soon as you start thinking about your business. You want to use this time to find your ideal client. On social media invite your followers Don’t make it hard on yourself by waiting until your book releases or your business opens. Use this time wisely to tell people about
When you get ready for promotion, you beat promotion overwhelm. Below are 10 ways to not be overwhelm for next year. Create A Promotion Plan – Your plan I is your friend. It will keep you on your track if you use it right. Don’t be trying to do everything. Pick one or two projects each month. Focus on them and promote. Create your mailing list – Your mailing list will give you some place
Are you ready to get started promoting? This episode is for you. Learn more about who is your reader. Need more help with your book promotion? Join the Social Butterfly Mastermind Call. http://bit.ly/SBMCALL