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Have you Ever found it hard to find Joy Amid life’s trials and adversities?  Well, you are not alone! Ninety phenomenal coauthors give real talk about love and healing in “Finding Joy in the Journey VOL 2”. Providing Tips and Tools for Healthy Ways to NAVIGATE THROUGH ANY DIFFICULT SITUATION In her 12th Anthology, Finding Joy in the Journey Vol 2., Vernessa Blackwell brings together 90 authors from around the world who share their personal
Meet Jamicka Lakeya – Poetry https://www.instagram.com/jamickalakeya/ Inside Of Her https://amzn.to/3675K3z LaShelle L. Turner  – Romance https://turnerlashelle.wixsite.com/mysite Price of Past Sinshttps://amzn.to/3jvjFsc Host:  LaShaunda C. Hoffman http://lashaundahoffman.com http://bit.ly/BORLCH This episode’s Sponsor – Using Canva For Book Promotion https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SBWORKSHOP Would you like to be featured on SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe? Submit to 1sormag@gmail.com: Title, Genre, Link To Purchase Headshot, Website Sponsor Our Podcast https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SWCafePodcast LISTEN – COMMENT – SHARE  Tell us what you think about this episode. Next episode – July 7,
One of the hardest parts about book promotion is figuring out what to do to reach your readership. I created the Social Butterfly Membership because I want to help authors become better book promoters. I can’t offer promotion training every day, so the membership is my way to do that. Becoming a Social Butterfly is a commitment.  It doesn’t happen overnight. Becoming a Social Butterfly means you have to be ready to kick fear off
I know everyone can’t be a Social Butterfly but that doesn’t mean you can’t promote your books and have fun doing it. This month I will be sharing tips to help you promote.  Promotion is all about being consistent. I found if you do promotion things you like to do you will stay consistent.  Write down the promotion things you like to do.   For example here are a few things I like to do:  Podcast Interviews
Last month I signed up for a new social media platform called Clubhouse. I know you are saying not another platform, but if you know me, you know I love trying new places to meet people. I’ve been having an amazing time on Clubhouse. It’s like attending a daily conference. I’ve been thinking about what I would contribute to the platform and of course I’m talking about promotion, but I also get to talk about
#1. Have you been thinking about trying SORMAG Promotion?Black Friday Deal – Buy One Ad Get One FreeGet your promotion ready for 2021.https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/BOGOBF #2. Is your promotion ready for 2021?Check out SORMAG Promotion’s book promotion bundles. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/KN7164 #3. Are you ready to ROCK Social Media Check out my social media workbooks. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/rVB162
In 2011, I did my first NANO. I didn’t make the 50,000 goal, but I did write 35,000 words, which I was very proud of and I learned a lot about me and my writing habit. My friend Patricia Woodside also blogged about how to be successful in NANO. She has some great tips, check them out HERE I thought I’d offer a few tips too. Have a realistic goal Don’t set yourself up for
CLICK TO LISTEN https://www.spreaker.com/user/swcafe/writers-cafe-episode-14 At the cafe today Marie Chewe-Elliott, Nameica E. Craig, Marcia King Gamble Episode Sponsor: SORMAG Promotions –http://bit.ly/SORMAGADS20 Podcast Host: LaShaunda C. Hoffman Marie Chewe-Elliott Kingdom Vision Audacious Women Lessons https://amzn.to/3mKDTgE Nameica E. Craig Girl, Affirm YourSelf!: 90 Days to Owning Your Fabulous https://amzn.to/32UbEEw Marcia King Gamble http://www.lovemarcia.com/ By Heart https://amzn.to/32TODRR Would you like to be featured on SORMAG’s Writer’s Cafe or be a sponsor? Send an email to 1sormag@gmail.com Let us know what
Registration is open for the book festival and we have panel slots available for authors and panel discussions. https://lashaunda.kartra.com/page/SOBF20
This episode I share my writing experience during the quarantine. CLICK TO LISTEN Have you been able to write during the quarantine?