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I remember the first time I heard someone say that they wrote their books on their phone. I was like who does that.  How can you write a book on the phone?  All I could imagine was typing on tiny keyboard with my thumbs. No that wasn’t for me.  However, I ended up having to eat those words because this year I wrote a book on my phone. No, I didn’t use the tiny keyboard. 
I did a series on what’s stopping you from promoting. Feeling Overwhelmed was one of the reasons writers say they stop promoting. Inside the video I share a few tips to help you with promotion overwhelm. Are you new to online promotion?  Subscribe to my Youtube channel.  I will be sharing weekly videos to help you with your online promotion. Need more tips? – Download  31 Promotion Tips today – http://bit.ly/31TIP Need more help Join
REGISTRATION IS OPENJOIN US AT SORMAG’S ONLINE BOOK FESTIVALhttp://bit.ly/bookfestival19 Would you like to be on a panel? Check the agenda.
My father – Joesph Lee Carruth died last month and I will admit I’ve been a little coo coo behind it. He wasn’t sick, but he was suffering from dementia.  I will be honest and say I had a few issues with the dementia because just as I was building a new relationship with my father, this disease snuck in and stole him from me.  Yes, that’s how I felt like he was stolen from
The Social Butterfly Mastermind starts tomorrow. Will you be inside with me. CLICK TO JOIN TODAY
1. Send your condolences Cards, emails, social media posts. They do help 2. Make them dinner or send gift cards for food Most people in grief don’t have the energy to cook 3. Send flowers or plants They give encouragement 4. Don’t get offended if they don’t want to talk Sometimes they barely have energy to say hello 5. Send money Death always comes after payday. Your gift might buy a meal or gas needed
Today I’m sharing the last 5 Ways To Get The Most Out An Online Event.  These tips will help you ROCK the Produce Publish Promote Summit. 6. Visit the vendors Check out what they have offer.  Ask them questions. Sometimes you can get some great deals at online events.  Don’t miss out. 7. Attend the presentations.  The presenters are here for you, this is your chance to learn from them. Remember those question you wrote
Today I’m sharing the first 5 Ways To Get The Most Out Of An Online Event.  These tips will help you ROCK the Produce Publish Promote Summit.  Check out the line up.  Which presentations do you want to see?  Schedule the  presentation times on your calendar so you don’t miss them. This tip I use for live and online events.  Especially when there are a lot of presentations to choose from.  I like to get
I had my first paid speaking engagement for the year and I rocked it.  I was confident, I knew my stuff and I didn’t even use my 15 pages of notes that I wrote. I know it was because of live streaming. When I published my book, Building Online Relationships -One Reader At A Time, one of my promotion goals was getting myself in front of new people daily. Live streaming was a way to
I’m hosting my first live masterclass with Julia Royston on April 22, 2019 and I would love to have you sitting at desk ready to learn. Writing a book is on everyone’s bucket list. This year scratch it off your list. Join us next Monday and learn how to turn your book idea into a book and promote it to the readers who need it. Click to register today. http://bit.ly/PPMCAPRIL