Today’s Promotion Fear – #8 I Can’t Toot My Own Horn A lot of writers have a hard time tooting their own horn. I will be honest and say I fall into this category. I can promote other people’s book with no problem. I love raving about other books; I’ve been doing it for years. You would think when it came to my own book, I wouldn’t have a problem. I can only speak for
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I stopped by Pinterest today. Here are five pins I added to my boards. Do you need images for your promotion? Do you need fonts for Canva? Date night ideas How To Take Great Pictures When You Are Solo 57 Senses To Use In Your Writing If you would like to check out my Pinterest page or follow here’s the link.
I know social media is the place to be, but if you are not capturing your readers, you are reinventing the wheel every time you release a book. Social media is for finding new readers. You should be able to get in touch with your loyal readers – your mailing list is for that. If social media shuts down tomorrow would you be able to contact your readers? My story: I started SORMAG without a
Happy Monday everyone! This week, make it a priority to work on your dreams. Remember, every day is an opportunity to get closer to achieving your goals. Stay committed, stay focused, and keep pushing yourself towards greatness.
#5 Submit Pitches Make sure you read over the guidelines for each podcast before you pitch them. The podcasts will share how they accept pitches. Submit your pitches and add them to your podcast list. How many pitches have you submitted this year?
#3 Create Your Pitch Your pitch should be brief, informative, and engaging. It should include a brief introduction about yourself and your area of expertise, a clear idea of what you want to talk about, and why you think it would be interesting to the audience. Make sure to tailor your pitch to the specific podcast and its audience. What topics do you have to share your expertise?
Borrowing A Podcast’s Audience – Getting Ready #2 What topics will you pitch? Most podcasts have topics about writing, business or marketing. Listeners are interested in what you have to share. What can you share about your journey or expertise?
This month I’m going to reintroduce you to my first science fiction romance – Love In Space. Love In Space was inspired by the middle grade book I’m writing – Purple Kids (tentative title). It’s about twins who find out their dad is from another planet, Purpera. I thought it would be fun to write about why the adults moved to Purpera. I’d been watching a lot of the dating reality shows on Netflix and
This month I will be sharing about how to borrow podcasts audiences. This week is all about getting ready for podcasts. Before you are ready to borrow a podcast’s audience, you need to do your research. Look for podcasts that are related to your area of expertise, industry, or interests. Listen to a few episodes to get a sense of the show’s style, tone, and guest format. Do they have your audience?
Cian and Vanina go out on another date – rock climbing. Will they get to the top of the mountain? Check out the singles – Have you ever gone rock climbing?